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Content Summary
CRO Makes A Comeback [1:26]
Massive Compounding Effect [5:41]
XRP Pumpamentals [1:29]
Yearn + Sushi [4:27]
CeFi Update [7:11]
Token of the Week [10:37]
Another Expansionary Cycle [1:21]
New Geyser Incentives [3:54]
My Tentative Plan [7:56]
Notable Tweets

Current @HegicOptions LPers: don't forget you can check your yield & rHEGIC income using this tool (created by me) 👇…
Enter Eth address ➡️ hit submit ➡️ bookmark the page

farmermacklemore666 @farmermacklemor

BREAKING: A group of U.S. Representatives has unveiled a new piece of stablecoin-focused legislation called the Stablecoin Tethering and Bank Licensing Enforcement (STABLE) Act. Press release here:

Mooooon🚀🚀🚀 @NexoFinance
1. Nexo360 Exchange
2. Nexo Credit Card
3. Referral Program
4. BuyBack Program
5. New dividend schedule
6. NEXO API integration
7. Bank License
And @AntoniNexo never
shilling #Nexo 👍👍👍

Debase: Let's make a CHAD decentralized, governable stable coin that maximizes regulatory arbitrage with an auditor mediated fair-launch token distribution.
Smol Virgin: aNoN teAm? cAn tEam sEnd uR HomE aDdrESs sO I tRust mY mOnIEz with $DEBASE??

CoinDesk @CoinDesk

"If you call it shitcoins, I wanna know about it because I know there's opportunity because you're being dumb (..) because you've got a closed mind." @RaoulGMI