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Content Summary
Bitcoin Algo Buying [1:20]
Defi: Massive Opportunities [7:27]
Token of the Week [11:57]
Introduction [1:15]
Getting Started [4:10]
Easiest Way to Add Liquidity [7:24]
Best Time to Take Out A Loan 3:17
Loan Fees & Interest 6:01
Best Place to Purchase Crypto 8:01
Blockfi’s Wealth Management Services 10:29
Adding Further Leverage and Diversity 12:45
Notable Tweets

today is 12/12/2020
a good day 2 make an announcement: i’ll share three *things* in 12 days on December 24th at 12:12 PM (UTC)
z 1st thing is personal. z 2nd thing is sexy. z 3rd thing is huge.
Christmas is comin’ & i’ll try 2 make it happier & sweeter 🎄🎁
see u soon!

do u know you can staking your $HEGIC tokens and get rewards every day/month/year? 💶💷💵
I made a tool to calculate your estimated earnings using either delegation protocols 🤍🤍
@HegicOptions 🐂

Public release of our completed smart contract audit.
We’re currently starting the process to complete 2 additional audits over the next 45 days.

ZOKYO @zokyo_io

“If you don't believe in $RUNE or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry just watch this beautiful explainer video” - Satoshi Nakamoto